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Bikini contest: A bikini contest is a beauty contest where women compete against each other in bikinis.Bikini contests can take place in bars, nightclubs, strip clubs at beaches, and beauty pageants.

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Esta foto foi publicada em 19 de julho, 2 dias após a final. Nesta foto, Miss Universo 1953 da França, Christiane Martel está no trono. Você pode ver mais fotos em nossa página no Facebook “Beauty Pageants Of The Planet” https://www.facebook.com/Beauty-Pageants-Of-The-Planet-160414017868271/ Obrigado por nos visitar e pelo seu apoio.

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Directed by Jonathan Dayton, Valerie Faris. With Steve Carell, Toni Collette, Greg Kinnear, Abigail Breslin. A family determined to get their teen into the finals of a beauty pageant take a cross-country trip in their VW bus.

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Miss Australia was the title for the winner of the Miss Australia Quest or the Miss Australia Awards, which ran from 1954 until 2000, when the last Miss Australia …

‘It’s changed my life completely’: Miss Missouri ‘excited’ to be first openly gay Miss America contestant. Erin O’Flaherty, 23, was crowned Miss Missouri on June 18

Miss Gay Brazil 51

Miss International Queen is the world’s largest and most prestigious beauty pageant for transgender women from different parts of the world. It is held annually in Pattaya City, Thailand since 2004.